The authoress Suzane Frutuoso brings a project to the public, inviting them to write what they feel about images displayed on the wall |
If you have the facility to put into words what you feel when see an image,
insidesaopaulo has a proposal for you. It's happening a photographic exhibition at the SESI Vila Leopoldina called 'Me Conte a História que Você Vê' (Tell Me the Story You See), created by the writer Suzanne G. Frutuoso. These are pictures of Paris and Amsterdam, exposed on the wall and the authoress's idea is that the public write what they feel when see the photos, on paper pads positioned between the frames. The result will give life to a second project.
The photographs will be on display until October 31. It's worth a visit just to exercise your imagination. According to Suzane, the text can be written in English.
What: Me Conte a História que Você Vê
Where: Rua Carlos Weber, 835 - Vila Leopoldina
When: October 20th till 31st, from 10 am till 8 pm.
Price: For free
Suzanne, I am real proud of you, khaled.