Rolando Vanucci is the owner of this successful restaurant, located on a busy street in a residential neighborhood of Sao Paulo: Rolando Massinha. On the menu there are several kinds of pasta. Among them: gnocchi, fettuccini, ravioli and others, which can be prepared with tomatoes sauce, bolognese, four cheese or pepperoni. The advice of insidesaopaulo goes to the Bolognese sauce. The dish can be shared by two (not that hungry) people.
The venture

The great mood of Rolando is contagious. The pleasante Gabi works with him trying to make sort the endless queue. It's a short team with a very high mood. Rolando is very impact and makes everyone feel good. Sice he is not a formal chef, his simple way of preparing the dishes, makes us feel at home. His sincerity is contagious. Unfortunately, he speaks only Portuguese, but this is not a barrier to communicate with anyone. It is a great tip! The dish is cheap, well served and the happiness comes as dessert.
What: Rolando Massinha
Where: Avenida Sumaré, 1089 (corner with Rua Caiubi)
When: According to him, Monday to Monday, from 7 pm till midnight. But since he is the only one responsable for the business, it won't open if he is not available. In case, it's better to give a ring before arrive.
Price: R$ 12,50 to R$ 17,50
Phone: +55 (11) 9827-9797 (his mobile)
Website: http://www.rolandomassinha.com.br/
My brother loves Rolando Massinha, he told us the food is delicious and you can bring your dog along for dinner "al fresco" :)