Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Today is Avenida Paulista 119th birthday

 Picture: Werther Santana
Inaugurated on December 8, 1891, the Avenida Paulista was an initiative of the engineer Joaquim Eugenio de Lima, to respond to the demand of the residential center of Sao Paulo. In 119 years, the street followed the changes that transformed the city into one of the largest and most important of the world, always being at the forefront of these changes.

Today the Avenida Paulista is the main postcard from Sao Paulo, housing hundreds of shopping centers, theaters, bars, restaurants and universities. Daily, including weekends, officers, young and old people walk on its sidewalk.
 Picture: L.C. Leite


  1. Io lavoravo li, in Av. Paulista... come mi manca.. ;-)

    Ciao ciao


  2. Nice pictures. Paulista Ave is now decorated for xmas and new year. There is a lot of people there visiting, but is nice to take a look anyway. I've been there on December 26 and I took some pictures.
