Galleria Olido presents a project called "Brazil, A Documented Country " (Brasil, um Pais Documentado), from August 27 to 29 there will be documentary about Brazil in this traditional cinema of the center of Sao Paulo.
The program includes classic documentaries that show part of history of our country. The movies are in Portuguese but we found it a good opportunity for those of you who are living here and already speak Portuguese or who are learning our language and wants to know more about Brazil.
O Chamado de Deus
(RJ, 2000, 90 min). Dir.: José Joffily.
The movie shows the vocation of young people to religious life through stories of seminarians who will become priests and of those who are closest to the Theology of Liberation.
Day 27, 3 pm
O Prisioneiro da Grade de Ferro
(SP, 2003, 123 min). Dir.: Paulo Sacramento.
One year before the deactivation of the Carandiru jail, in September 2002, prisoners learn how to use video cameras and document their daily lives.
Day 27, 5 pm
(SP, 2003, 15 min). Dir.: Jeferson De.
In late 1950, Carolina Maria de Jesus writes a story about hunger, prejudice and poverty present in the slum where she lives. The book is a worldwide success, but she dies in the same situation.
Day 27, 7 pm
A Negação do Brasil
(SP, 2000, 91 min). Dir.: Joel Zito Araújo.
The struggle of black people for recognition of their importance in the history of Brazilian soap operas.
Day 27, 7.30 pm
Um Passaporte Húngaro
(RJ, 2002, 71 min). Dir.: Sandra Kogut.
The consular difficulties that immigrants faced in wartime, using the drama of their ancestors.
Day 28, 3 pm
(RJ, 2007, 15 min). Dir.: Thereza Jessouroun.
Based on the story of the director's mother, bearer of Alzheimer's disease, the short movie represents reflections and questions about the meaning of life and coexistence with death.
Day 28, 5 pm
(SP, 2002, 75 min). Dir.: Kiko Goifman.
The documentary follows the director's search for his biological mother in Minas Gerais, when he was 33 years old.
Day 28, 5.15 pm
O Velho, a História de Luz de Carlos Prestes
(SP, 1997, 105 min). Dir.: Toni Venturi.
The history and life of the activist Luiz Carlos Prestes, who became leader of the general secretary of the Brazilian Communist Party.
Day 28, 7.30 pm
Edifício Master
(RJ, 2002, 110 min). Dir.: Eduardo Coutinho.
During seven days, a team filmed the daily life of residents of the Master Building, located in Copacabana. In the building about 500 people live, and the film brings the story of 37 of them.
Day 29, 3 pm
Conterrâneos Velhos de Guerra
(DF, 1990, 168 min). Dir.: Vladimir Carvalho.
The poor life conditions of the workers who arrived in Brasilia during the construction of the city.
Day 29, 5 pm
Where: Galleria Olido, Avenida São João, 473 - Sao Paulo
When: August 27 to 29
How much: R$ 1