Eight shoppign centers, 25 cafes and bars, 23 nightclubs, 20 restaurants and eight saunas. The São Paulo Turismo (SPTuris) listed 91 gay friendly places, not to mention the indications of parks and museums. The reportwill be disclosed at the Gay Tourist Information Centre (CIT), which starts working today at Rua Frei Caneca.
The idea, according to the SPTuris, is to publicize the city's options for the gay community, coming to Sao Paulo with more intensity in the Gay Pride parade, but that come back on other occasions. This year the parade will be on June 6th. With trained staff the Gay CIT will work in Casarão Brasil, GLS association , and will be administered by the Associação Brasileira de Turismo para Gays, Lésbicas e Simpatizantes (Abrat-GLS). The staff is bilingual (Portuguese and English) and trained to guide the safest way to explain how the nightclubs or restaurantx work.
Where: Rua Frei Caneca 1057 - Sao Paulo
Butchers, Nationalism, and Empathy
8 years ago
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