Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Special Night Market at Ceagesp is the best place to buy Cod for Easter

The Santa Feira do Peixe (Holy Fish Market), held for the fifth consecutive year, will be open for the Night Market. The prices of fish sold at the fair are usually 20% cheaper.

There are options to buy the whole fish or even shredded. For those who prefer to get fresh fish there are many varieties. Also will be sold vegetables, fresh herbs and seasonings. Check out some of the best prices:
  • Bacalhau do Porto: R$ 38,90/kg;
  • Saithe: R$21/kg;
  • Tilápia: R$ 5,80/kg;
  • Corvina: R$ 8,50/kg;
  • Tainha: R$ 8,50/kg
Where: Ceagesp - Av. das Nações Unidas, gate 13
When: March 30th to April 1st, from 4pm till 9pm.
How much: For free to get in.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Video of landing in Sao Paulo shows the quantity of buildings around the city. Check it out!

This video was made by moyajoaquin and shows a landing from inside a plane in Congonhas, a very central airport of Sao Paulo. It's interesting because you can have a quick overview of the quantity of buildings around the city. Have a look!

Vaccination against H1N1 (swine flu) will be delivered for free to the population until May 21st

The Brazilian government decided to deliver free vaccination against the H1N1 to the whole population. The campaign started last March 8th and it has already reached around 1 million people. The Government goal is ambitious, aiming to reach more than 15 million until May 21st.

This action must be taken to prevent further deaths during the next winter. The whole population is allowed to be immunized, but everyone has to follow a schedule organized by the Government. Age groups of Brazilian citizens are spread on different periods. It first started by the hospital staff and now (until April 2nd) the priorities are: pregnant women, children from six months to two years and chronically ill people.

Every Brazilian will have a chance to be immunized for free and it will certainly help when the winter arrives.

Demi Lovato will be in Sao Paulo quite soon

Demi Lovato will come to Brazil in May. A year after her last concert in Sao Paulo, together with Jonas Brothers, the Disney Pop Star will be back to Brazil bringing her own tour.

The concerts will be in Rio and Sao Paulo, on May 27th and 28th, held on unknown at this time.

Demi, who is under 18, is best known through the movie "Camp Rock", Disney's production of 2008. Nowadays, the American teen sensation gives priority to the singing skills.

Her second album "Here We Go Again", was released in 2009. The song's video clip "Remember December" has been tirelessly shown at MTV. She is also coauthor of almost every track of the album. Although signs "Catch Me" alone and "World of Chances" in partnership with John Mayer.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Aerosmith inside Sao Paulo! Buy your ticket!

The Aerosmith go back to the stage with the tour "Cocked, Locked, Ready to Rock Tour", which will be launched in South America. For their third tome in Brazil, the band comes to Sao Paulo just for one show that be held at Parque Antartica (Stadium of Palmeiras), on May 29th.

Aerosmith features Steven Tyler on vocals, Joe Perry on lead guitar, Brad Whitford on guitar, Tom Hamilton on bass and Joey Kramer on drums. After South America the event goes to Europe. Tickets for the show of Aerosmith in Brazil are already available. The tickets can be purchased in Sao Paulo at the Credicard Hall point or at the website.

Where: Parque Antártica, Rua Turiassu, 1840 - Sao Paulo
When: May 29th
How Much: From R$ 150 to R$ 500

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Museo do Bixiga reopens its doors!

 After 5 years this historical Museum of the Italian most famous neighborhood, Bixiga, reopen in the perspective of the Italy in Brazil's year in 2011. In this house of seven room the memory of this region is well-kept Located in the Rua dos Ingleses, here you will find there toys and relics of the early last Century, there are even rolls of pasta of the first immigrants. Among the 1.5 thousand items of the collection, there is also a complete set of "bexiguense" revolutionary soldier, 1932 - rifle and helmet - a dentist's chair for 20 years, a nearly century-old refrigerator, a television set and Adoniran Barbosa personal items (vary famous singer of Sao Paulo, son of Italian inmigrants) - tie, hat, scarf and lighter. Another treasure is the iconographic material with 8 thousand pictures that help to reconstruct the history of the São Paulo neighborhood.  The place will be renovated, organizing courses and opening a school functioning at the back of the house. It will be an open space for lovers of Italian cuisine, like any restaurant, with the difference that there will be forming skilled cooks to work in other restaurants of the neighborhood. It is also planned to set up a small shop selling souvenirs depicting the Italian immigration.

Where: Museu Memoria do Bixiga, Rua dos Ingleses 118, Bela Vista - Sao Paulo
When: From Tuesday to Friday, from 2 pm to 6 pm
How much: For free
Phone: (11) 3262-3156

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Arte na Vila, don't miss it!

For those spending the week end in Sao Paulo and lovers of art, we strongly recommend to go for a walk in the neighborhood of Vila Madalena because there is an exciting program! Today (March 27th) and tomorrow about 200 artists will expose their works in 60 studios of the Vila Madalena and will interact with you through workshops. The theme of this year is Art that sustains!

According to the organizers the innovation for the 9th Arte na Vila will be the demonstrations of artistic techniques during the exhibition period in the subway. Always more the event represents an interesting exposition of the works of the many artists of Vila Madalena. Check out the program on their website and enjoy it!

Where: Vila Madalena
When: March 27th and 28th 2010
How much: For free

Friday, March 26, 2010

Orquestra Jazz Sinfonica in Ibirapuera

For all those who love jazz and want to go to a great concert this week end we suggest the Orquestra Jazz Sinfonica (Jazz Symphonic Orchestra) that exploring little-known areas of music, can be consider as the creator of a new Brazilian symphony. It is this objective that guides the work of its artistic direction. The Orquestra Jazz Sinfonica always surprised by the renewed ability of its members to overcome the structural musical challenges. Since February 2009 the Jazz Orchestra is administered by the Social Cultural:  Associação Paulista dos Amigos da Arte (Sao Paulo Association of Friends of Art) - APAA.

They will play this week end at the Auditorio Ibirapuera to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Orchestra, but keep following their program because they do several exhibitions, usually once or twice a month.

Where: Auditorio Ibirapuera, Avenida Pedro Álvares Cabral, s/nº - Sao Paulo

When: March 26th and 27th at 9 pm
How much: From R$ 15 to R$ 30

So Far, so Close

                                                     Museu de Arte Brasileira da Faap

 So Far, So Close this is the name of the new exhibition at the Museum of Brazilian Art Faap. Curated by the physicist Peter Schulz, the exposition reveals the influence of telecommunication technologies in our society and wants the public to get closer to this world. The exhibition reveals how the inventions often happen well before their implementation in society and how some former experiments have opened paths to new technologies. It also shows how the present is already building the future of scientific discoveries. The exhibition starts with the fundamental human voice and moves to the major technological innovations that promoted the shortening of distances and, even today, redefine social relationships and urban structures. The interaction of visitors happens through scientific experiments, equipments, apparatus and a central forum for providing their expressions about the future of technology.  About 100 pieces will be displayed to help explaining the evolution of telephony and all the other forms of corporate communication.

Where: Museo de Arte Brasileira da Faap, Rua Alagoas, 903 - Sao Paulo
When: From March 21st to May 23d, from 10 am to 8 pm during the week and  from 1 pm to 5 pm during the week end
How much: For free

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Poster of the 29th Biennal Exposition of Sao Paulo is released!

The Biennial Foundation released the poster of the exhibition for its 29th edition. The poster was created by the new design area of the foundation and contains the verse of the poet Jorge de Lima: "There is always a glass of sea for a man to navigate", which will be the exhibition's title, taken from the "Invention of Orpheus" (1952). The event will start in September 21st and we will let you know more news about it.

It is time to switch the light off! Earth Hour!

On Saturday, March 27th, between 20:30 and 21:30 (GMT), Brazil officially takes part at the "Earth Hour". From the simplest homes to the largest monuments, the lights will be switched off for an hour, to show the world's leaders the Brazilian concern about global warming. "Earth Hour" began in 2007 in Sydney, Australia. In 2008, 371 cities participated.

Last year, when Brazil participated for the first time, the movement exceeded all expectations. Hundreds of millions of people in more than 4 thousand cities of 88 countries put out the lights. Symbolic monuments and sites, such as the Eiffel Tower, the Colosseum and Times Square, in addition to Jesus Christ of Rio and the Congress were one hour in the dark.
[source: catraca livre]

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Touristic service takes you for a walk in interesting and curious places of Sao Paulo

Taking pictures during a day tour around the city
São Paulo has a specialized tour service that takes you to places you have never imagined existing in a city as big as this one. That is not a conventional tourism, where everything is scheduled and you're just a passenger. Soul Sampa takes you for a walk in places you would never go by yourself.

São Paulo is a huge city, full of people and events that happen at the same time. Visiting the city, frequently at the end of the day, you find out you haven't done that much. It seems absurd, but that's what happens in most of the cases. Many of us end up passing through the city, being in contact with Sao Paulo through the window of the bus or car and not having the chance to know what the city really offers.

Some of the reasons may be: concern about safety; not knowing enough Portuguese language to adventure yourself among the local people or it may be even a bit of fear of facing the peculiar chaos of the biggest city in the southern hemisphere.

Fortunately, a group of young people created a company aiming to provide an interesting option inside the city. The Soul Sampa, open since 2009, offers a personalized kind of tourism in the city. Committed to show what is in the streets, the highlight is the 'walking tour' touristic style. Different from conventional tours — putting several people together inside a bus and showing the city through the window — the "urban experience" is done by foot and by subway (when necessary) to characteristic places of the city.

The tours offered by the team of Soul Sampa are organized for a maximum of seven people and there are three options of routes available:
  1. The Cultural Overview offers an insight of the "São Paulo" culture, including fashion, design, street art, popular gastronomy, plastic arts, music and sustainability.
  2. The Thematic one is perfect for those who want to discover the city from a specific perspective, showing interesting and historical places. It is a kind of open air class. It's possible to bring your own topic of interest.
  3. The Bespoke is prepared for those who know what they want but do not know where to find it. The Soul Sampa team makes an interview with the person or even the group to find out the best route to fit the expectations.
If the group is bigger than seven people, a extra guide will be present to help during the trip.

If you usually come to São Paulo just to work and never enjoy the city or if you have just arrived in town, visit their website and check out this experience.

Rua Bela Cintra, 409 - Consolação
When: The tour lasts between 4 to 5 hours. The Cultural Overview and the Bespoke are available from Monday to Saturday. The Thematic is only available on Saturday.
Phone: (11) 8654-8621
How much: The tour costs R$ 140 and includes metro ticket to the way back, food (something typically from São Paulo).

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Exposition comparing Buenos Aires to São Paulo at the Museo Lasar Segall

It is famous the historic rivalry between Brazil and Argentina. Nowadays the situation is actually changing thanks to the easy way of traveling that makes it easier to get to know each other. The exposition we are suggesting today is about the similarities between Buenos Aires and São Paulo, it is called Profissão Fotógrafo (Occupation Photographer) and its focus is to show what the two cities have in common basing on the eyes of Hildegard Rosenthal (1913-1990), Swiss who lived in São Paulo, and the Argentinian Horacio Coppola.
The pictures enlighten a comparison between São Paulo and Buenos Aires during the 30ies and the 40ies of the last century, the similarities between them are noteworthy. Both cities were born as huge cities, open to industrial progress, with the modernist architecture and the bustle of the crowds. The great success of the exhibition was to combine the key qualities of the two photographers and of the two cities.

Where: Museo Lasar Segall, Rua Berta, 111 Vila Mariana - São Paulo
When: From Tuesday to Saturday from 2 pm to 7 pm, Sunday until 6 pm. The Exposition ends on April the 4th
How much: For free

Monday, March 22, 2010

Mercado Municipal (Mercadao) offers free tours during the week. Find out more!

Fruits available at the City Market

The well-known Mercado Municipal de São Paulo (Mercadão), is the City Market where is possible to find plenty of fruits, vegetables, spices, olives, raisins, wines, cheeses and many other uncountable ingredients.

During the week, the Mercadao offers a sensory experience in a guided and wonderful visit. The tour, which lasts about two hours, starts experiencing a menu savored and follows a route that uses the 77-year history of their stalls.

Where: Mercado Municipal (Mercadão)
When: Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and it's necessary to call, at least 24 hours in advance to subscribe yourself.
Phone: (11) 3313-2444 and ask to talk at Branch (it's called "Ramal") 231
How much: For free

 Olives are just few among all the delicacies

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The brand new exhibition at the Portuguese Language Museum introduces common mistakes of the language use

If you are a Portuguese language lover and will be in our city or at least will pass through Sao Paulo before June, don't miss the brand new exhibition of the Museu da Língua Portuguesa. It's about the language use and the mistakes people frequently do.

Marcos Bagno, in his book Preconceito Lingüístico, defends the freedom of using the Portuguese language. "Menas: o Certo do Errado" (Menas: The Right of Wrong — Menas is a wrong using of the word menos — minus), brings this discourse to the visual and interactive fields of the Museu da Língua Portuguesa, with word games assembled in a panel with the major mistakes made and much more.

Everything represents our every day little mistakes and how we can make good use of them. The truth is that speaking properly is a myth.

The exhibition is really well made and even though it can be a little bit hard to understand if you are not Portuguese speaker, it is really interesting.

Where: Museu da Língua Portuguesa, Estação da Luz
When: March 16th to June 28th. Tuesday to Sunday, from 10am till 5pm. Today (March 21st) is the forth anniversary of the Museum and to celebrate, they are offering a free visit. Just today!
How much: R$ 6

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Photo exhibition of Brazilian landscapes shoot by a French photographer ends tomorrow

Marcel Gautherot (1910-1996) is a French who lived in Brazil who spent half a century of his life traveling and photographing Brazilian lands. With more than 25,000 negatives in his collection, the Instituto Moreira Salles celebrates this great photographer with exposure entitled Marcel Gautherot - North, which features 70 photographs, among fishermen, stilts, festive, and revealing the Gautherot's passion by the Amazon and the North region of the country. An important record of daily life and customs of the people of Brazil between 1930 and 1980 worth a visit.
[Camila Pompeu by B.Coolt]

Where: Instituto Moreira Salles, Rua Piauí, 844, 1st floor — Higienópolis
When: Ends tomorrow, March 21st, from 1pm till 6pm.
How much: For free

Friday, March 19, 2010

Andy Warhol exhibition in Sao Paulo, the biggest one ever

The Estação Pinacoteca is hosting an exhibition of Andy Warhol. That is the biggest one ever of the artist in Brazil. There are 26 paintings, 58 engravings, 39 photos and 44 movies that honor the Master.

Most of the pieces are from the period of 1961-1968, when Warhol worked in his studio in New York.

Where: Estação Pinacoteca, Largo General Osório, 66 - República
When: Tuesday to Sunday, from 10am till 6pm. It ends on May 23rd.
Phone: (11) 3335-4990
How much: R$ 6. For free every Saturday.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Brand new Metro Line of Sao Paulo will offer music and wireless connection to the users

Paulista Station

Trains subway Line 4 (yellow) are quite different from those running on other lines. The new wagons will have music, wireless internet, they will not have any driver and the trains will be interconnected.

Among the 14 trains of the yellow line, five have already been tested. The line will be working in April, between the stations Paulista and Faria Lima - connected with the Line 2 (Green).

In the initial schedule, these stations should have been open during this month. The first part of the line (which has, besides Paulista and Faria Lima, the stations of Butantã, Republica and Luz) will be released this year, according to the company.

The stations of the second phase of the project will be delivered next year.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

10km taxi ride for free during St. Patrick's Day!

The beer brand Guinness is sponsoring a ten kilometers cab ride for free. That's a great and safe way to get back home for the St. Patrick's devotees.

Anyone of the bars included on the deal organized in Sao Paulo by the Guinness brand are able to receive this courtesy. The following bars are included on the deal:
  • All Black,
  • CB Bar,
  • Drakes,
  • Dublin,
  • Finnegans,
  • Frangó,
  • Kiaora,
  • Liverpool,
  • Melograno,
  • O´Malleys,
  • PJ Clarks,
  • Republic,
  • Rhino PUB,
  • St. John´s,
  • The Blue PUB e
  • The Joy.
It doesn't matter where you are. You can go to one of those bars calling the Central Radio Taxi (3035-0404) and also, from any of those bars to your house. But to get the deal, you will have to say this sentence in Portuguese: "Quero meu taxi Guinness para St Patrick's Day". It's a sort of password. You will have to say it.

What's up: Ring to have a 10km Free Cab ride: 3035-0404
When: March 17th, from 6pm till 5am.
How much: the first 10km are free of charge. If you need to go further, you will have to pay the difference.

Related link: St. Patrick's Day in Sao Paulo (March 17th). Check out the best pubs!

Mestiço is a good option of contemporaneous cuisine

Mestiços front door

Mestiço was opened on 1997 and since then, receives plenty of people. An achievement in a city like Sao Paulo, where every season has a brand new fashion restaurant. But certainly it's because the curious variety found inside of the cuisine. At Mestiço (mestizo) it's possible to find the spice seasoned dish from Bahia, the Indian curry, the Thai chili paste, the Chinese Teriyaki sauce or even the Japanese tare. All these options are available on the menu.

Some people go just because of the black beans well settled with "empadinha", rice and steak. Others come in search of novelties such as ko phai (fish cubes with red Thai curry, asparagus, coconut milk and spices), the krathong-thong (Thai baskets of crispy dough stuffed with chicken, corn and spices), these entry devoted 12 years of the restaurant's existence. For dessert, homemade frozen.

Where: R. Fernando de Albuquerque, 277 - Consolação
When: Sunday and Monday, from 11h45am till midnight. Tuesday to Thursday, from 11h45am till 1am. Friday and Saturday, from 11h45 till 2am.
Phone: (11) 3256-3165
Price: About R$ 40 per person

Highlights from the IZOD IndyCar Series race in Sao Paulo 2010

Highlights from the IZOD IndyCar Series race in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Will Power from Team Penske takes the checkered flag.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

St. Patrick's Day in Sao Paulo (March 17th). Check out the best pubs!

All Black celebrating St. Patrick's Day, Sao Paulo

The most expected religious celebration by the Anglo Saxon community is about to happen. St. Patrick's Day will be celebrated around the world this Wednesday (March 17th) and his cassock's colleague Sao Paulo (St. Paul) couldn't be out of it. If you are looking for the best advice to celebrate St. Patrick's day in Sao Paulo, check out these options:

Kia Ora
The bar will celebrate St. Patrick's Day just tonight (March 16th), starting at 6pm. The band U2 cover will be on the stage and there will be deals of Guinness for R$ 10 (400ml) and Wallaby green beer for R$ 4 (400ml). The first 200 people will receive an exclusive t-shirt.
Price: From R$ 30 to R$ 50

To celebrate the St. Patrick's on March 17th, the band Murphy's Law plays Irish music and traditional dishes will be served such as Irish stew, lamb and fillet Mignon, seasoned with beer. For those arriving early on the March 17th, there will be giveaways and promotions.
Price: R$ 40 for women and R$ 60 for men.

This bar located at Vila Madalena suburb will be selling Guinness chopp for R$ 12 and every five pints plus R$ 30 you can get a Guinness T-shirt. It's possible to find at the Melograno the special Guinness Stew Pie (meat pie prepared with Guinness). On St. Patrick's Day, the house will be all green, Irish song's will playing all night long and also the Green Beer will be available for R$ 5.
Price: for free to get in

This traditional Irish Pub will be offering special deals of drinks and snacks (including Guinness). There will be two bands on the stage: Insônica and Templários. The party starts at 5pm.
Price: R$ 35 for women and R$ 60 for men. (the price includes a T-shit as a gift).

The pub will celebrate the day with Green Beer, dishes and live music with the rock band Confisko and Bagpipe's presentation. Everyone will receive a pint of green beer at the entrance.
Price: R$ 35

Rhino Pub
On St. Patrick's day, a Park typically Irish will be mounted in front of the pub. The house will receive the sound of the group Terra Celta, with typical dances and Irish folklore. The band Classicaus will be also on the stage.
Price: R$ 30 to R$ 50

The Joy
Guinness double chopp is the deal of the night. During the St. Patrick's Day, you pay one pint and gets two. Some draws and Guinness gifts will be running all night long.
Price: for free to get in

The restaurant is on the deal of Guinness, where five beers plus R$ 30 gives a Guinness T-shirt. On St. Patrick's it will be possible to buy an exclusive P.J. Clarke's/St. Patrick's T-shirt for R$ 30 that comes together with a Guinness beer. At 7h30pm, the Jazz Clarke's band will be on the stage.
Price: for free to get in

The Blue Pub
The typical dish Irish Stew will be served on March 17th and Guinness pints will cost R$ 12. Buying two pints plus R$ 15.00 allows you to take home a pub's unique T-Shirt celebrating St. Patrick's Day.
Price: R$ 10 to R$ 20.

This pub prepared a special dish with oysters to be served during St. Patrick's Day and Green beer will also be available. This pub is also on the deal of Guinness, where five beers plus R$ 30 gives a Guinness T-shirt.
Price: for free to get in.
[source: vejasp]

Voca People: YouTube's phenomenon comes to Sao Paulo

The Israeli group Voca People, a phenomenon on YouTube is back to Brazil. The troupe performs in six cities, from April 26th to May 23th.

In Sao Paulo, the group sings on May 8th and 9th at the theater Anhembi Morumbi. In Rio, the presentations will be on April 29th and 30th at the theater Vivo. The tour also goes to Belo Horizonte April 26th to 28th, Recife May 4th to 6th and Porto Alegre May 12th to 14th. Their last presentation will be in Brasilia, May 19th to 23rd.

The Voca People is known for not using instruments on stage. With the voice, the members make up, replacing drums, guitar, bass and other rhythm parts.

The Voca People is an international vocal theater performance combining vocal sounds and an acapella singing with the art of beat-box.
[source: josé norberto flesh]

Where: Theater Anhembi Morumbi
When: May 8th and 9th
Phone: (11) 4003-1212

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sao Paulo Calendar of Events (2010): March 15th to 21st

Techmei 2010 - International Technology Exhibition of Industry Machinery and Equipment
Brazil is a growing global player in the international market. Its GNP has a projected growth of 5% or more for 2010. The equipments and machinery industry is one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy. Nowadays, the exchange rate has been favorable to imports and to the industry re-equipment.
Date: March 15th to 18th, from 1pm till 8pm.
Organization: AM3 Feiras e Produções Ltda
Phone: (11) 3624-8466
Place: Expo Center Norte
Address: R. José Bernardo Pinto, 333

8th Forum Panrotas — Tourism Tendencies 2010
The main goal of the 8th meeting organized by the Panrotas is to discuss brand new tendencies to the Brazilian tourism industry. About 1,2 thousand leaders of this segment will be part of it.

Several interesting speakers will be part of the event, such as: Fernando Meirelles (Brazilian Central Bank President), Solange Vieira (ANAC President), Constantino de Oliveira Jr. (GOL Airline Company President), Pedro Janot (AZUL Airline Company President), José Mario Caprioli (TRIP Airline Company President), Roland de Benadona (Accor Latin America President), Líbano Barroso (TAM Airline Company President), Luiz Barreto (Brazilian Tourism Minister).

Date: March 15th to 16th, from 7h30am till 6pm.
Organization: Panrotas
Phone: (11) 2764-4853
Price: R$ 670
Place: Centro Fecomercio de Eventos
Address: Rua Dr. Plínio Barreto, 285

20th R$1,99 Brazil Fair
That is the most important Brazilian business pole for the retail price. The event is exclusively for retailers, distributors, representatives, importers and industries that operate in the popular retail products from R$ 1,99

Date: March 15th to 20th, Monday to Wednesday, from 10am till 8pm. Thursday, from 10am till 6pm.
Organization: 1,99 Brasil Editora e Eventos Ltda.
Place: Expo Center Norte
Price: For free
Address: R. José Bernardo Pinto, 333

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Muddled race marks the beginning of the 2010 season Formula Indy

Today was a busy day at the Sao Paulo Indy 300. The organization faced plenty of problems, such as: dusty track during the qualifying races, storms, power outages, flooding the track and even a red flag (almost 30 minutes) before even half of the race. But despite all the uncertainties, the winner had his milk at the end of the race.

The qualifying race began at 8am and the pilots had to get used to the dust raised by the speed of the cars. It was because of the rebuilding made overnight to fix the stretches of the Sambadrome structure.

Shortly before the start, a little bit of rain fell for few minutes and it delayed the race. It wasn't a big problema and the racing teams decided not to change tires. But the rain caused a problem of visibility, and an accident affected some cars. "The track was very dusty," complained Andretti after suffering an accident caused by Mario Moraes. "You could not see the cars that were ahead," said.

The first yellow flag of the race lasted seven laps, time enjoyed by the teams to make adjustments in the pits. The second yellow flag was caused by the Venezuelan Milka Duno.

A new storm came up during the 30th lap and an electricity blackout happened at Anhembi. An yellow flag was used again. The track was flooded and the cars returned to the pits to wait for the water to drain. The race was paused for almost 30 minutes and when it returned, the Australian Will Power won the first street race held in Brazil, with Ryan Hunter-Reay in second place, followed by the Brazilian Vitor Meira.

The track was dry when the race ended, but for few minutes, some drivers crossed water puddles of 15cm high. After the red flag, there were doubts about the continuity of the racing.

On the podium, the organizers repeated the tradition belonging to the Indianapolis 500. Instead of champagne, Will Power drank milk during the celebration.

Check out the final result of the São Paulo Indy 300:

1. Will POWER (AUS/Team Penske)
2. Ryan HUNTER-REAY (EUA/Andretti Autosport)
3. Vitor MEIRA (BRA/A.J.Foyt)
4. Raphael MATOS (BRA/Luczo Dragon/ De Ferran)
5. Dan WHELDON (GBR/Panther Racing)
6. Scott DIXON (NZL/Ganasi)
7. Dario FRANCHITTI (ESC/Ganasi)
8. Mike CONWAY (GBR/Dreyer & Reinbold Racing )
9. Helio CASTRONEVES (BRA/Penske)
10. Tony KANAAN (BRA/Andretti)
11. Justin WILSON (GBR/Dreyer & Reinbold Racing)
12. Ernesto J. VISO (VEN/KV Racing)
13. Bia FIGUEIREDO (BRA/Dryer & Reinbold Racing)
14. Ryan BRISCOE (AUS/Penske)
15. Danica PATRICK (EUA/Andretti Autosport)
16. Simona DE SILVESTRO (SUI/HVM Racing)
17. Mario ROMANCINI (BRA/Conquest)
18. Alex LLOYD (GBR/Dale-Coyne Racing)
19. Alex TAGLIANI (CAN/FAZZT Race Team)
20. Hideki MUTOH (JPN/Andretti)
21. Mika DUNO (VEN/Dale-Coyne Racing)
22. Takuma SATO (JPN/KV Racing)
23. Marco ANDRETTI (EUA/Andretti)
24. Mario MORAES (BRA/KV Racing)

World Naked Bike Ride 2010 - Sao Paulo edition. Four people were arrested.

 World Naked Bike Ride 2010 [photo: Alessandro Shinoda]

The third edition of the Brazilian World Naked Bike Ride (Pedalada Pelada in Portuguese) that happened on Saturday (2010, March 13th), in Sao Paulo, ended with the arrest of at least four riders. According to estimates provided by the military police, 80 people was part of the act, among participants wearing bathing suits and some of them completely naked.
[photo: panopticosp]
The manifesto that was scheduled to start at 2pm at the corner of Avenida Paulista and Av. Consolação, was extended to other places of the city. At about 4pm, next to the street Avanhandava, central region of São Paulo, two of them were detained by police for disrespecting authority. Soon after that, other riders tried to stop police arresting the cyclists. Spray tear gas and batons were used to "contain the most exalted ones."

Two female cyclists, Laura Sobenes Sono and Talita Noguchi, were also taken to the police station and were fined for obscene act. "The outbreak could have been just on Avenida Paulista, as previously agreed, but the agreement was breached." Said the sergeant Fernando Souza, who was not able to specify who had made the agreement.

The World Naked Bike Ride is a peaceful protest that happens in dozens of cities around the world. Its main objective is to defend the inclusion of the bicycle as a transport way around the city, and denounce the pollution caused by automobiles.
[source: uol]

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sao Paulo Indy 300: the organization still working to fix the race track

The focus is on the part of Sambadrome criticized because of lack of grip. The problem caused the change of the qualifying for this Sunday, hours before the race, which starts at 13h.

According to Tony Cotman, engineer responsible for creating the circuit Anhembi, the solution is to make grooves in the straight Sambadrome. This latter process, which is the inclusion of transverse channels along the circuit is found, for example, on airports and roads.

"I didn't think it would be so problematic. It was the first time I faced a bright paint where the tyre doesn't adheres. We offer a solution that is not new, but that difference will be the fact that we will be doing it throughout the night", said the engineer. He also said this will help if it rains during the race.

"We are looking for some options for testing, but will depend on the results. The hardest job will be to wash and clean the floor after sanding", said Cotman. If everything goes well, the possibility of changing the location of the race start is discarded.

Despite all the optimism of the engineer with the work that will be developed throughout the night of Saturday, the Indy's organization has a plan B on the pocket. If the expected results are not seen soon, the Sambadrome will be paved again and the operation needs to end up at 8am, which is the time scheduled to start activities on Sunday.
[source: uol]

Organization of the Sao Paulo Indy 300 faces problems on the race track

Tony Kanaan on the Sao Paulo Indy 300 race track
The Brazilian Tony Kanaan did not like the training conducted today on the Anhembi race track.

"I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow. If it was hard during a dry weather, I don't want even think about a rainy day," according to Kanaan. "It's a super wavy track and it's a project of the engineer Tony Cotman. Several people complained and he said: that's the way it is."

Kanaan also said that the worst stretch is the Sambadrome one, because it is very slippery. No one is able to accelerate too much at that part. "During the Carnival week it's applied a material to make the floor shiny. There are several ways to leave the floor more abrasive. Something can happen over there. "According to the pilot who was the third, straight behind Scott Dixon and Ryan Briscoe.

Because of this issue of the slicking track, there is the idea of changing the starting place for the Marginal, rather than the Sambadrome.

Ryan Briscoe also commented on it. "It's a little dangerous, hopefully we can improve by tomorrow. The weather is good, the layout of the track is good, just need to see the part that is very smooth," said the pilot.

On the Indy championship, the stretch of the Marginal Tietê is the longest one, but there are some trepidations spots. "Not that many, but has three or four that are very large. I'm just concerned about security", Kanaan said, referring specifically to the transition from the Marginal's stretch part to the Sambódromo's wavy and grip. It was exactly after this passage that the Venezuelan Milka Duno lost control of the car and caused an accident during the training.

The event's organizers will try to solve this problem overnight, but today all pilots have had the chance to see what they can face tomorrow in the race that starts at 1pm.
[source: uol]

Drivers talk about the Sao Paulo Indy 300

Tony Kanaan, Helio Castroneves and Vitor Meira talk about what it is going to be like to race in their home country of Brazil for the IZOD IndyCar Series.

Friday, March 12, 2010

World Naked Bike Ride is coming up this Saturday (13th). Don't miss it!

It's time to get naked! This Saturday, at 2pm on the Parque do Ciclista (Cyclist Park), a group of cyclists will ride their bicycle naked. That will be the third World Naked Bike Ride organized in São Paulo. From 12pm, the cyclists will in the square, to paint the body of any participant. Nudity is not compulsory. Actually, it's not allowed to be naked on the street in Brazil. The advice is to seem naked. Otherwise it is an offense, and can be a mess. Avoid it!

The movement World Naked Bike Ride took place in Europe aiming to raise awareness about the cyclist's vulnerability. The rule is: get naked according to your own way. Everyone can be part of it, even dressed. The most important thing is to grab the community attention.

Where: On the corner of the av. Paulista and rua da Consolação
When: March 13th
How much: For free

Nelly Furtado in Sao Paulo on March 27th. Tickets from R$ 180 to R$ 300

The Canadian singer Nelly Furtado (31 years old) comes from Portuguese family and is considered a complete artist. She sings and dances, acts as a songwriter and producer, is an actress, plays five different instruments (not at the same time. lol) and speaks fluently several languages.

Grammy-winning and more than 18 million albums sold around the world, she is back to Brazil for a concert (March 27th) to sing her biggest hits, such as: “I´m Like a Bird”, “Turno f the Light” e “Say it Right”.

Where: Via Funchal
When: March 27th, at 10pm
Phone: (11) 2144-5444
How much: From R$ 180 to R$ 300. It's possible to buy via this link

Related link: Nelly Furtado will be in Sao Paulo on March 27th

Sao Paulo Indy 300 Map

Map of the São Paulo race track Indy 2010 [art: andré marcondes]

How to get there
For those interested in going to the race, a special bus service will depart straight to the Sambadrome. There will be the reverse path after the qualifying and also the race.
1. Congonhas Airport
2. Expo Center Norte
3. Tietê Metro Station
4. Barra Funda Metro Station

A good advice is to print or download this map for your mobile.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Concert of the Symphonic Band of the State of Sao Paulo this Friday (March 12th)

The world of classical music begins to brighten in 2010. And the noble Theatro São Pedro will be glad to receive a single submission with three established composers. "Live Music" by Alfred Reed, opens the series, followed by "The Four Noble Truths," by Philip Sparke, to finish with more expected, "The Lord of the Rings, as the conductor Johan de Meij. The conductor Mark Sadao Shirakawa adds: "For those who know the film's soundtrack, will be an amazing experience to hear the version of Meij with striking scenes in mind, made long before the book reaches the screens."
[fernando aguiar by b.coolt]

Where: Theatro São Pedro, Rua Barra Funda, 171 — Barra Funda
When: March 12th, at 9pm.
How much: R$ 2

Franz Ferdinand concert in Sao Paulo will be on March 23rd

Franz Ferdinand will be on the Via Funchal's stage on March 23rd. There are still available tickets for prices ranging from R$ 180 to R$ 300.

The previews time Franz Ferdinand came to Brazil was on September last year. They played at "The Week" nightclub, where there were just 500 tickets available. At this time, Via Funchal is able to host about 6 thousand people and it's not the only place the group will play. On March 19th, they will have a concert in Rio at Fundição Progress.

Franz Ferdinand is an alternative rock band that emerged in 2002 in Glasgow, Scotland, and soon drew attention for its energetic performances and his strong grip of rock and dance.

Where: Via Funchal
When: March 23rd, at 10pm
Phone: (11) 3188-4148
How much: From R$ 180 to R$ 300. It's possible to buy via this link

Finnish exhibition brings a refined design to Sao Paulo

Design is one of the biggest artistic expressions of Finland. Today, the Tomie Ohtake Institute open its doors to the Finnish Design Exhibition in São Paulo and aims to provide a complete overview of some of the most important works ever created in that country.

The exhibition, curated by Marianne Aav and support by the Finland's Embassy, brings more than 200 artworks, divided into five perspectives introducing from ancient artists to the young generation.

Among the highlights are the architect Eliel Saarinen, born 1873, and Maija Louekari, born almost a century later, in 1982.

There are plenty of objects such as: chairs, tissues, jars, and items released by Nokia through a mobile phone project. All about the history of design in the country, that lived its big momentum after the Second World War, due to the needs of industry and consumers.

Where: Tomie Ohtake Institute — Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 201 — Pinheiros
When: March 11th to May 2nd. Tuesday to Sunday, from 11am till 8pm. 
Phone: (11) 2245-1900
How much:  For free

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

There are still available tickets for the Sao Paulo Indy 300

Anhembi Circuit F-Indy 2010. Address of the Sao Paulo Carnival every year

For those who haven't bought yet the ticket for the Sunday Indy race in Sao Paulo, there are still 30% of the 36.5 thousand tickets available.

The remaining tickets are from the sectors where the prices range from R$ 250 to R$ 500. Tickets can be purchased at the Sambódromo-Anhembi or on the website

About 70% of tickets have been sold and according to the event's organizers, the remaining ones are always sold few days before the race.

More expensive than in the U.S.
The tickets sold to the Anhembi's Circuit are more expensive than the races of the Indy Racing League in the U.S.

The price for the São Paulo racing costs twice more than the Indy 500 (most expensive one in the U.S.). In Indianapolis, the tickets cost from R$ 68 to R$ 255.

The street circuit of Saint Petersburg, Florida, which will be held on March 28th will cost between R$ 76 and R$ 187.

The circuit will be ready only tomorrow
The São Paulo street circuit (4.180 meters) which opens the 2010 season, will be ready tomorrow. The cars will be on the track on Saturday (March 13th) for the classification training. The race is on Sunday (March 14th) at 1pm.
[source: destak]

Related links:
Where to buy tickets for the Sao Paulo Indy 300
Virtual tour at the 2010 Indycar street circuit of Sao Paulo
Brazilian racer had the chance to speed up a F-Indy car inside Sao Paulo yesterday morningIndy Racing League open 2010 season in Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo Indy Race 2010 will be at Sambodromo and Marginal do Tiete on March 2010. Have a look on the map!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Red Team is the winner of the WarTube match (March 7th, 2010)

WarTube match on March 7th, 2010. The Red Team was the winner
At 5pm every soldier was already customized to the WarTube match organized for the "Minhocão" issue last Sunday (March 7th). Despite the troopers being a bit late to start moving toward the enemy confront (there was a TV channel shooting the event), no one was afraid.

Among both troops — Sons of Masushi (Red) and Arthurian Armada (Blue) —, the Red one seemed to have a larger contingent. The whole battle took about a minute and half. Before the fight starts, there was a confront of single soldiers as you can see on the video below.

The most interesting point of the event, was the organization and the impressive participant's behavior. It was pretty safe and everyone was having lots of fun. There was also a full family of four people including: dad, mum, child and baby (in a trolley), ready to attack the enemy team. It was great to be there!

The Red Team ended as the winner of this edition, but much more fight is coming up. Click on their website ( and try to be part of the next match.

Monday, March 8, 2010

BB King will be playing in Sao Paulo on March 19th and 20th.

BB King will be playing in São Paulo next weekend. The concert will be host at Via Funchal through his international tour on March 19th and 20th.

BB King celebrates his success and almost 85 years old of life with a new tour, displaying his talent with the same good humor and enthusiasm that highlighted his entire career, since he was born as "Riley B. King" on September 16th, 1925 in a farm near Indianola, Mississippi, Southern U.S.

Where: Via Funchal
When: March 19th and 20th, at 9h30pm
Phone: (11) 2144-5444

VIP: R$ 600
Premium: R$ 480
Sector 1: R$ 300
Sector 2: R$ 200
Central Mezzanine: R$ 350
Side Mezzanine: R$ 290
Cabin: R$ 500
Buy online

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Libyan Art Exposition at the Museu Afro Brasil

The Afro Brazil Museum (Museu Afro Brasil) and the Gaddafi International Foundation for Charitable Associations, under the leadership of architect and artist Saif El Islam El Gaddafi, son of the Libyan leader present "The Desert is Not Silent" - a selection of the finest pieces of the archaeological heritage and contemporary art from Libya.

Visitors can admire archaeological Greek-Roman and Islamic pieces in the form of sculptures, mosaics and objects of everyday life. The exhibition brings together 28 valuable archaeological items and 51 paintings. The public will have the opportunity to experience the variety and richness of the historical past of Libya and some of its contemporary art.

The show is traveling and has been displayed in 10 major cities in the world: Paris, Berlin, London, Rome, Milan, Geneva, Vienna, Madrid, Tokyo and Montreal.

Where: Museu Afro Brasil, Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, s/nº - Ibirapuera - São Paulo
When: From March 9th to April 18th. Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

B_Arco, another great cultural center in Sao Paulo. Brazilian Contemporary Art.

b_arco Cultural Center [photo: edouard fraipont]

The b_arco is a Contemporary Cultural Center. A multimedia space designed to integrate the different areas of culture in a special environment outside the academic and informal circuit. Innovative place and laboratory of artistic and intellectual research, the b_arco is committed to the transmission, distribution and promotion of knowledge in all cultural segments: visual arts, music, literature, arts, philosophy and audiovisual media. An extra special schedule: with events, concerts, exhibitions and performances.

The b_arco also works in the area of education and research, holding courses, debates and research clusters with relevant names of Brazilian culture. We really can say they join the practice to the theory.

Where: Rua Dr. Virgilio de Carvalho Pinto, 426 - Sao Paulo
Phone: (11) 3081-6986

Friday, March 5, 2010

WarTube death match on Sunday. Prepare your cardboard equipment and apply for this fight. It's for free!

Troopers getting ready to the WarTube match

If you are in Sao Paulo this weekend, do not miss the incredible battle of cardboard that will happen in Sao Paulo, near the city center. You can watch or even subscribe yourself for this fight!

On Sunday, at 5pm, a match between two enemy troops will happen in the Minhocão (Elevado Presidente Arthur da Costa e Silva). This battle is a brand new issue of the War Tube (the War of cardboard tubes), a traditional war that happens between two armies — Armada Arturiana (Arthurian Armada) and Filhos de Musashi (Sons of Musashi) — every two months in different locations around the city.

This meeting is very well planned and includes registration and regulation. In the fictional story created by the organizers, two armies are about to compete in a battle where the survivor army wins the fight. Each team should gather as much troopers as possible trying to eliminate the enemy. The war is between a Japanese Army (Sons of Musashi - Red) and a British troop (Arthurian Armada - Blue).

To become a soldier, you must apply through the website (click the link) and read the Participant Manual (unfortunately only in Portuguese. If you need any help, leave a comment and we will help you). The participation is for free and female soldiers are also required.

The following accessories are allowed to this battle: weapons, armor and shield. Everything must be done using only cardboard. It is allowed to use rope or twine to tie the body armor, but you may not use any other type of material. The cardboard used can not be too hard to prevent accidents and armor should be marked with the team colors of your choice (blue or red). The participant will be eliminated when their weapon get broken. Wins the survivor army.

The meeting point on Sunday at 4 pm will be at the exit of the subway Marechal Teodoro for the participants of the group Arthurian Armada while for the warriors of the Sons of Musashi, the meeting point will be at the exit of the subway Santa Cecilia also 4pm. The battle begins at 5pm.

Do not miss this battle, soldier!

What's up: War Tube
Minhocão (Elevado Presidente Arthur da Costa e Silva)
When: March 7th, at 5pm but there will be a team meeting at 4pm.