After facing an increase of 17.4% of the bus fare on January 4th, now it's time to the readjustment of the Metro and CPTM of São Paulo. The single fare rises from R$ 2.55 to R$ 2.65.
The new price starts next Tuesday. With the adjustment, the price of subway, usually more expensive than the bus, is below the current R$ 2.70.
With the adjustment, integration with the bus in the capital is only $ 4 to U.S. $ 4.07, an increase of 1.8%. The biggest fix was in line 5/Lilás, passing from R $ 2.45 to $ 2.55 (4.1%).
Dawn With overcrowding at peak times, workers who use transport early have benefited from less adjustment: the rate is from $ 2.35 to $ 2.40, an increase of 2.1%.
The State Government said that the adjustments are lower than the IPC/Fipe inflation rate between February 2009 and January 2010, which was 4.4%.
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