The city council will deliver 79 new taxi points by the program "Táxi Amigão" (Taxi Buddy). It will be all permanent and work throughout the day starting before Christmas eve. Recently, 810 drivers (inscribed on the program) have participated in the raffle of ten places for each of these points. In total, already 119 points that have 30% discount on Fridays, Saturdays and holidays.
The Taxicabs subscribed on this program is marked with special sign and a green light.
Have a look on the list below, where there are few of them, and try to find the closest to you:
Vila Mariana
Rua Diogo de Faria, close to the nº 1201.
Rua Sena Madureira, close to the nº 1355.
Rua Dona Julia, close to the Metrô Vila Mariana.
Rua Cristóvão Pereira, close to the Rua Ibituruna.
Avenida Vereador José Diniz, close to the Rua Joaquim Nabuco.
Brooklin Novo
Rua Fernandes Moreira, between Ruas Fernandes Moreira and Joaquim de Andrade.
Rua Quintana, between Avenida Eng. Luis Carlos Berrini and Rua Sansão Alves dos Santos.
Rua Demóstenes, between Ruas Constantino de Sousa and Barão de Jaceguai.
Avenida Moaci, close to the nº 570.
Alameda dos Anapurus, close to the nº 1071.
Alameda dos Pamaris, close to the nº 42.
Rua Lavandisca, close to the nº 551.
Alameda dos Arapanés, close to the Avenida Sabiá.
Rua Capitão Guedes Portilho, close to the nº 80.
Rua Aparaju, close to the Praça Visconde de Souza Fontes.
Rua Guaimbé, close to the Rua Madre de Deus.
Rua Juventus, close to the Rua Conde Prates.
Rua Isidoro Tinoco, close to the Rua Tijuco Preto.
Rua Cantagalo, close to the Rua Coelho Lisboa.
Rua Serra de Bragança close to the Rua Serra do Japi.
Rua Itapura, close to the Rua Cantagalo.
Rua Coelho Lisboa, close to the Rua Euclide Pacheco.
Rua Platina, close to the Rua Tuiuti.
Freguesia do Ó
Largo da Matriz de Nossa Senhora do Ó, close to the Rua José de Siqueira.
Rua Francisco Leitão, between Ruas Artur de Azevedo and Dos Pinheiros.
Rua Ferreira de Araújo, between Ruas Tucambira and Conde Silvio de A. Penteado.
Rua Dr. Virgílio de Carvalho Pinto, between Ruas Artur de Azevedo and dos Pinheiros.
Avenida Engenheiro Caetano Álvares corner to Rua Nabuco de Araújo.
Avenida Engenheiro Caetano Álvares corner to Rua Pelegrino.
Rua Brás Leme corner to Rua Eudoro Lemos de Oliveira.
Rua Salete corner to Avenida Brás Leme.
Avenida Santos Dumont corner to Av. Gil Guilherme.
Itaim Bibi
Rua Julio Diniz, close to the Rua Dr. Cardoso de Melo.
Rua Jesuíno Arruda, close to the Rua João Cachoeira.
Rua Campos Bicudo, between Ruas Amauri and Jerônimo da Veiga.
Rua Joaquim Floriano, close to the nº 533
Rua Prudente de Morais, close to the Rua Domingos Paiva.
Artur Alvim
Rua Dr. Campos Moura, close to the Metrô Artur Alvim.
Vila Guilherme
Avenida Luis Dumont Villares corner to Rua Padre José Rebouças.
Avenida Luis Dumont Villares corner to Rua Eduardo Espíndola Filho.
Avenida Luis Dumont Villares corner to Rua São Leôncio.
Barra Funda
Rua Prof. Wilfrides corner to Rua Auro Soares de Moura Andrade, close to the Metrô Barra Funda.
Rua Sete de Abril, close to the Metrô República.
Cerqueira César
Rua Itapeva, close to the Metrô Trianon-MASP.
Rua Dr. Eduardo Amaro, close to the Metrô Paraíso.
Bela Vista
Praça Dom Orione.
Rua Fernando Albuquerque, close to the Rua Bela Cintra.
Rua Haddock Lobo, between Ruas Antônio Carlos and Matias Aires.
Rua Barão de Capanema, close to the Rua Pe. João Manuel.
Alameda Itu, between Ruas Augusta and Pe. João Manuel.
Rua Dr. Melo Alves, close to the Alameda Lorena.
Rua Oscar Freire, between Ruas Peixoto Gomide and Ministro Rocha Azevedo.
Rua Bela Cintra, close to the Rua Oscar Freire.
Rua Haddock Lobo, between Alamedas Franca and Tietê.
Vila Madalena
Rua Fidalga corner to Rua Inácio Pereira da Rocha.
Rua Mourato Coelho corner to Rua Wisard.
Rua Mourato Coelho corner to Rua Aspicuelta.
Rua Fradique Coutinho corner to Rua Aspicuelta.
Rua Wisard corner to Rua Harmonia.
Related links:
The City Council released a voluntary campaing offering 30% discount on taxi fare during the weekend
Taxi Cab discount on weekend starts this Friday (December 4th) and already have 600 cars subscribed