Sao Paulo is well known for its chaotic traffic. For too long the government has been investing in public transport in order to diminish — or at least prevent the increasing — long kilometers of daily traffic jams.
The council has investing in public transport, such as the construction of the Yellow Line of Subway, scheduled to be delivered in the first half of next year, connecting with Line 1-Blue (Luz Station), Line 3-Red at the (República Station), Line 2-Green (Consolação Station) and Line 7-Celeste (CPTM Pinheiros Station), near the East Marginal Pinheiros River.
However, despite the investment the government does, it's also necessary to change the population habits. The lack of efficiency on public transport in the past, made the Paulistano create the habit of getting around by car and this culture must be changed and recent research shows that it's happening, check below:
More passengers using trains

More than half of subway riders have a car
The Subway department has recently conducted a survey that found out that most users of the system have a car. Research indicates that 56% of users get public transportation because of the traffic jam.
70% of cabs without passengers
A traffic consultant named Horácio Figueira conducted a visual survey on 4 great avenues of the city and found that of 10 taxis passed, only 3 were passengers in peak hours. The reason is the fare. The city council already has a project that proposes 30% discount on the fare on Friday night and whole Saturday. The proposal is still being evaluated.
The point is the fact that investments still being made and the population seems to be adhering to the facility. The only question is whether the latest facilities to buy brand new cars will not overlap the delivery of public transport projects.
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