This is bar is a spruced version of an authentic English pub, but at the same time, the rustic decor makes so elegant that becomes a great place to flirt interesting girls and the pub doesn't lack on them.

Rhino Pub is well characterized to represent the supposed story of a victorian British fleet of World War II called "Rhino Squad". The Pub is based on the aspect of victorian and honor to present. The decoration counts with rhino's heads in everywhere. The bar is very nice and looked out of place. It has some stained glass on the wall, interesting beer tabs on the counter and a spacious stage at the end of the pub.
Inauguration day of the Rhino Pub (August 4, 2009)
When: Tuesday to Friday, opens at 6pm and closes at 1am on Tuesday, Wednesday at 2am and Thurday and Friday at 3am. Saturday, from 8pm till 5am.
Phone: (11) 5041-4188
How much: It's free to get in before eleven, but after that its R$ 30 per person.
Website: http://www.rhinopub.com.br/
i like this pub, wish to get its counter footprint