Tickets for concerts and performances
Today almost all concerts and performance tickets in São Paulo are available on the Internet. Main companies:
Travel insurance
No matter what is your purpose in São Paulo, travel insurance is very useful. They cover means of transport to be used, luggage loss or theft and problems with accommodation. Some insurances cover medical expenses that you may need during your stay. Other travel insurances may cover, for example, important document lost, such as passport and tickets. To contract travel insurance, call a receptive agency or tour operator. There are also other companies for travel insurance. For further information, please, call your local receptive service.
24 hours services in Sao Paulo
Where the city never stops, 24-hour services are more than pharmacies and key makers. From supermarkets and flower shops to gym and pastry shops.
Further websites:
Money Exchange
Since 1994, the Brazilian currency is Real (R$). In Brazil, exchange operation means exchanging a foreign currency for its counter value in Brazilian currency. For example, when a tourist travels abroad and need foreign currency, a Central Bank authorized agent receives Brazilian money and gives back (sell) foreign money. But when a foreign tourist needs to exchange money into Reais, a Central Bank authorized agent buys his money and gives back Reais.
The following institutions are authorized to work in the exchange market: Banks, credit society, financing society and investment society, brokerage companies, distributors, travel agencies and Central Bank authorized lodgings.
In Brazil, presenting ID and CPF (for Brazilians) and passport (for foreigners) is required.
Currency conversion:
Banco Central do Brasil (Central Bank of Brazil)
Banco Central do Brasil (Central Bank of Brazil):
Butchers, Nationalism, and Empathy
8 years ago
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