Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Acaraje for everyone!

Acarajé, abará, moquecas, carne-seca, carne-de-sol, quiabada, escondidinho, bobó de camarão, baião de dois, cuzcuz...

At the restaurant Rota do Acarajé, it's possible to find a slice of the state of Bahia. It's a restaurant that looks like a bar and offers delicious dishes prepared by the Chief Cook Diva. A smily lady that cooks one of the best Bahian recipes ever: the Acarajé. It's a dish that looks like a cookie, filled with shrimp and pepper and it
's possible to eat using hands or can be served in a plate.


Where: Rua Martim Francisco, 529 — Santa Cecília — São Paulo
Tuesday to Saturday, from 11am till 11pm; Sunday and holiday, from 12am till 9pm.
Phone: (11) 3668-6222
How much: Around R$ 25 per person.

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